Friday, May 17, 2013

Education or bust!

So typically I feel like I am in control. Of my day, my life, almost everything really. But lately I feel like I am hurdling out of control in the middle of a tsunami in the middle of the ocean. Ever feel that way? It's a really crazy overwhelming feeling. So Let me back up a bit and tell you a little about me. I got married in 2001 at the age of 17 to the love of my life CJ and this October will mark 12 years for us. I have 5 children ages 10,6,5,3, &1. I try to be frugal (operative word being try), and I try (there's that word again) to live naturally (crunchy, whatever you want to call it). I homeschool/unschool (depends on our week) all of my children. Except this spring my world flipped upside down and I lost my brain and swirled out of control. I have a 10 year old. He is the most awesome helpful resourceful 10 year old I have met. This kid can do anything, and typically does do everything. He had originally started out in the public school system but we all (school included) figured out fast that this child did not belong at a desk for the majority of the day, nor did anyone want to put in the effort to keep him there. So I have been attempting to teach (tie down is more like it) this boy for 4 years now. My 6 year old has had some major health issues (he is allergic to formaldehyde, that stuffs in EVERYTHING!) He went to preschool for a while, they called home a lot and was afraid to give him anything or let him do anything. So it was less stressful on everyone to just keep him home as well. My 5 yr old doesn't want to do anything her big brother isn't doing (tree climbing included, she got stuck while I was pregnant with #5 in a tall tree up above the power lines when she was 3) So schooling at home just seemed to be the fitting idea for our family.Well, my 10 year old Khurt, being the boy that he is. Decided he was not working for mom anymore this last winter. Of course, when an older child decides to not listen there is a chain reaction all the way down the line, ALL the way down! So then my homeschool/unschool approach broke down to a NO school approach by the end of January. I was at the end of a rope flailing in space with no possible way to get back on track. So out of desperation I called up the local private school and started the process of enrolling this 10 year old son of mine who thought he could do just whatever he wanted. Well that has been a VERY sobering experience for the both of us. I've come to the conclusion I had back when I was in school, I hate school. My son on the other hand, has come to the conclusion that mom wasn't asking all that much. So as we are drawing close to school being over, both of us are counting down the days. So this week he and I are going through the curriculum he wants to use next year (yes I let him choose as long as Daddy approves it) and so far my little ones are watching their older brother closely to see what is in store for their future. He has been coming home with 6 to 8 pages of homework a night (his fault not the teachers) since he started and he is exhausted and said it's just not worth it, the poor kid has barely moved from a desk since he started school. This has overwhelmed both of us since I would lay out what needed to be done that week and he would pick and choose what he was doing and when he was doing it. As long as all the work was done by the end of the week and he could pass the mini tests for that material we were good. I only deadlined the tests and his chores.  Ahhhh, the simplicity of homeschooling. I miss it.  Yes, I said I miss it.So what have I been doing with the other kids since I lost  my brain and sent the older one to school? Nothing. Feed them, wash them, love them yes but academically? Not a thing.  Now, my 6 year old has learned to read, and does addition and subtraction all the time along with writing letters to his friends. My (just turned 5 in April) daughter has taught herself the entire alphabet, and it's sounds along with beginning to sound things out so she can write letters too ( I don't get it, it's their favorite thing to do). She taught herself to write her own name and is starting addition. All on their own, because I quit this year.Go figure, I quit and all of my children start picking it up on their own. Even my youngest son (who just turned 3 last week) taught himself to count to 13 accurately, and knows his alphabet (still working on mastering the sounds). Soooo, in short. My 10 year old drove me to give up, I gave up. All my kids hopped on board the education express and took over, restoring my faith in home education, and my 10 year old has convinced himself that mom's way is his favorite. All in 3 short months.I am so hoping next year runs smoother....  

Has anyone else had any similar issues, because right now, I am thinking this is a personal problem lol.